Settings | Integrations | HiPages Leads
What is it
This allows you to setup automatic acceptance of leads from HiPages
Creating a new HiPages integration
- In the top right hand corner of Eaco click on your organisation's logo, then in the drop down menu click Organisation Settings
- Down the bottom of the menu on the left side click on Integrations
- In the integrations list click on HiPages Leads
- In the top right of the tab click Configuration
- In the top right of the tab click New Integration
- Fill out the form and click the button
Integration Settings

Status - Choose if this integration is active or inactive
Network to post jobs to - Choose the network you want jobs posted to
Email leads are addressed to - Enter the email address that HiPages is setup to send emails to
Email address to send errors - Enter the email address of someone at you organisation to receive any error emails relating to this integration
Posting User - The user the job is posted as
Job Template - The job template to apply to any jobs created (this is optional)
Max Lead Fee - Default maximum fee to accept a lead for (If you have setup any Lead Fee Rules for a provider they will overwrite this)
Lead Status Legend | |
Processing | Eaco is processing the incoming lead |
Category Mapping | Waiting to the HiPages Category to be mapped to an Eaco Cateogry |
Category Mapping | Same as above but the jobs details have come through |
No Provider | The lead didn't match any providers |
Fee Too High | The lead fee was too high for any matched provider |
Non Compliant | None of the providers matched were compliant |
Accepted | Eaco accepted this lead and is waiting for the full details |
Job Created | Eaco created a job for this lead |
Waitlisted | You were waitlisted for this HiPages lead |
Missing Details | Eaco accepted this lead but no details have come thought after 5 minutes |
Unknown Fee | Eaco was unable to determine the lead fee |
Manually Accept Lead
- You can manually accept any lead, simply click the button on the right side of the lead.
- You will then see the lead details(pictured below), this includes the lead description as well as any providers that matched the lead.
- To confirm your manual acceptance of the lead click the button.